ליקוי / חגית מנדרובסקי

הַלַּיְלָה יַעֲשֶׂה בִּי לִקּוּי יָרֵחַ, 

וְלֹא אֵדַע מְאוּם מִלְּבַד הַחֲשֵׁכָה. 

גּוּף קָטָן יַחְדֹּר אֶת הַגּוּף הַגָּדוֹל,

דָּבָר לֹא יִתְהַוֶּה מִלְּבַד שְׁתִיקָה. 

הַלַּיְלָה אֶעֱשֶׂה בִּי לִקּוּי יָרֵחַ.

אֵינִי רוֹצָה לָדַעַת מְאוּם מִלְּבַד הַחֲשֵׁכָה.

גּוּפִי הַזָּעִיר יִתְעַרְסֵל בְּחֵיק גּוּפִי הָעֲנָק.

אֲנִי שׁוֹתֶקֶת. קוֹל הַיְּקוּם מְדַבֵּר.

*מתוך 'חמלת אשת העורב'

Eclipse / Hagit Mendrowski 

Tonight there will be a lunar eclipse in me,

And I'll know nothing but darkness.

A small body will penetrate the large body,

Nothing will be formed but silence.

Tonight I'll make a lunar eclipse in me.

I wish to know nothing but darkness.

My tiny body will be cradled in the lap of my giant body.

I keep quiet. The voice of the universe speaks.

*From 'The Compassion of the Crow Woman'

*Translated by Oded Peled